introducing :: sweet baby brooklyn :: 2 days old

27 April 2011

having had 2 c-sections, I'm always in AWE of mommies who are up and at 'em within a few days {even hours!} of giving birth. And when they are pulled together and looking as beautiful as this mommy ....I'm amazed even more!

please join me in welcoming sweet baby brooklyn to the pbkisses family.....and to the {ray} family as she is our newest cousin on the {folts} side!

scroll down to see her slideshow!

oplove :: welcome home :: pemberton family

18 April 2011

thank you, sgt. zachary pemberton, for protecting our country and making this world a safer place. 
thank you, hannah and luke, for allowing me to share in welcoming home your hero.

and thank you, OperationLove Reunited, for giving me an opportunity to give something special to families who give so much. i feel blessed to do what i love....and even more so to be able to share it with these families.

scroll down to see their slideshow!

for more information on OpLove, feel free to check out their website/facebook page facebook page for more information and/or email me directly.

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